If you see organized spaces and think “I can never be that organized” or “organization isn’t possible for my household,” then you are telling yourself all the wrong things! Organization comes in all shapes and sizes. Whether you live alone or have a family of 8, we believe there are 4 main “S” pillars to organization. I have been professional organizer in utah for years and have seen homes transform with these 4 pillars. 


You’ve heard this a million times, but simplifying is key! This doesn’t mean you have to throw out everything or be a minimalist. We suggest you be intentional with the items you choose to keep in your home. It’s okay to have a few extra items, but make sure the duplicates aren’t in excess and will realistically get used. Another great way to simplify is to incorporate the “one in one out” rule. Did you buy a new shirt? Then choose an old one to donate and swap the new one in! This will help prevent too much build up. Be sure to regularly “de-junk” trash and broken items. 


This is where organizing products comes into play! Creating structure helps to contain items and give everything a home. Because I’ve been a professional organizer in Utah for years, I have been looking for and building a list of the best bins & baskets. Here are a few of our favorites. 

Be sure to measure the space before you purchase bins to make sure they will fit well in the space. If you aren’t ready to invest a lot of money into bins, try some DIY solutions like using iPhone boxes as drawer organizers or splitting a value pack of organizers with a friend! If you want to see our favorite budget-friendly organizing picks click here.


Slowly invest in quality bins and slowly work through your spaces. We love The Container Store products because you can find the same product for years! Another tip is to keep an eye out for sales from your favorite retailers! Home Goods, Target, and Amazon are a few of our favorite budget-friendly stores. Target regularly has 50% sales on our favorite Y-weave bins that you can use in so many spaces! Walmart now has so many organizing products as well like this XL plastic bin for only $4.56. 


Systems are what give a space or home a “flow.” When placing items, make sure it makes sense and that the system is both manageable and easy to reset. To create a system, use labels! As professional organizers in Utah we cannot stress this point enough: label, label, label! Labeling is just as important as the bin itself. Labels are what keep everyone in the home accountable, including yourself! Another key to creating a system is to set up “zones” in each space. For example, in a pantry, this means a making zone for breakfast, dinner, snacks, etc. Zones make it so you know exactly where something goes and it’s easy to reference. Our biggest tip is to get everyone on board! Show your spouse, kids, etc. where things go and why. Over time, they will be just as appreciative of the system as you are. Keep at it, and remind them if they can’t find something, to look at the labels!We hope you’re feeling empowered to tackle some organization! If you want more organizing tips, follow us on instagram. If you need some extra hands to help you get organized, we can help! I am a professional organizer in Utah with over 6 years of experience! Click here to learn more about our team here.